For most of the year we can enjoy the sweet taste of the pear. Fruit of the Rosaceae family can be found in different ways, from a more rounded shape to a teardrop shape; They have a smooth and green skin, although when they mature their color can change until they reach a yellow color.
Thanks to the fact that they are a fruit free of fat and with a high content of liquids, the pear is a satiating fruit highly recommended for people who follow a diet.
Properties of the pears:
Pears contain a very wide range of vitamins and minerals, which is why it is an essential fruit in our diet. The pears contain vitamin B, C and D as well as folic acid that will help the optimal functioning of our body.
A habitual consumption of this fruit will facilitate to the organism the absorption of iron thanks to the amount of copper and iron that they possess. Therefore, it will be a very recommended fruit to prevent fatigue and muscular weakness in our body. Thanks to the antioxidant components that it has, it will help us to delay the aging of our skin and the appearance of so-called age spots.
Pear cultivation time:
In CINATUR as fruit distributors we offer a seasonal product, but without neglecting the quality; We are especially worried because the culture times are right. At present, although we can consume pears throughout the year. The different varieties that we produce have a cultivation time that goes from the month of July to the end of December: the “Ercolina” pear and the “Rocha” pear.
The star recipe Cinatur:
Fascinate your guests with this simple and rich recipe of Pear Sponge Cake: You will need 3 eggs, 1 day, 1yogur natural, 100gr olive oil, 250gr wheat flour, 1 pinch salt, 250gr of sugar and 1 envelope of yeast.
Beat the eggs, the chopped pear and the sugar, mix it in a bowl with the yogurt and the oil; You add the salt to taste, the envelope of yeast and the flour while you are stirring everything slowly; You place the dough in the mold and baked at 200 º and in about 40 minutes you will have your fantastic recipe.
Taste it and enjoy !!